Choosing the New Platform for this Blog
Like many I don’t like the new WordPress post editor, and it hasn’t grown on me. I finally did some serious tire kicking of alternatives, looking at Payload, Grav and Jekyll.
KeePass and KeePassXC TOTP (and why I picked Aegis as my TOTP App)
KeePass and it’s cross platform sibling KeePassXC support integrated TOTP generation, but migrating away from a commercial platform like DUO requires resetting your TOTP on each site.
KeePass KeePassXC Evaluation
My current Password Manager is on life support, and I look at a leading FOSS alternative.
Clean Install 2024
Every so often, whether it is just the amount of cruft left on our system, or the desire to switch distributions, a clean Linux install becomes necessary.
How Debian Broke SSH Server on Upgrades on Bookworm and Ubuntu Noble.
In the past, installing open-ssh-server has conveniently created a group named ssh, that has often been used as the group to allow users ssh access.
Ditching Google Voice for VOIP.MS
Call me old fashioned, I like having a Landline. Its been VOIP via adapter since whenever FIOS got installed at my house, and with Google Voice for a long time. Google Voice had VoiceMail Transcription and it was completely free. Not surprisingly I’ve often had reliability issues with the free service.
Getting Date to Default to 24 Hour Format
On some of my systems the Linux _date_ command would give the time in AM/PM and on others in 24 hour notation. On my servers which are set to UTC, I strongly prefer the 24 hour time notation, it reminds me that it’s not my local time.
vrrp and keepalived
I've found keepalived to be lacking in the area of supporting tools. This post is about the scripts I wrote to get important data.
How to Use an Ubuntu or Debian Cloud Image
Canonical and Debian provide images for cloud deployments, but you can use them instead of ISOs to speed up new VM creation in smaller environments without having to create the preseed ISOs or an OpenStack environment.